The portraits(15 x 15 cm sized each) of 28 people are to be seen as Okamas, regarding the title of the work and the exhibition. Okama is known as a Japanese colloquial term referring to men who adopt feminine identities and mannerisms. This title leads the audience not only to the enter to the exploration of facial depiction, but also into the first trap. They would think that these faces are "originally" men, but they are in fact, feminine as well.
The truth is, however, they are all fictional figures made by the recombination of images of people that artist obtained in Shinjuku 2-chome queer bars. They are neither men nor women. Faces designed solely based on visual materials are literally Non-binary. All is just a few layers of dried paints on canvas.
Nevertheless, the audience is expected to read these faces whether they are feminine or masculine - by the lens of dichotomous stereotypes they have been forced to obtain while growing up. The audience might struggle to define their genders into two. As they appear realistic, and look like real existing people somewhere, the more the audience spends time gazing, the more confused they may become.
Other sculptures serve as the visualizations pointing out these people's stereotypical gender defining process.
These sculptures are composed of readymade objects found in everyday life.
In mathematics, the bisection method is a root-finding method that applies to any continuous function for which one knows two values with opposite signs. The method consists of repeatedly bisecting the interval defined by these values and then selecting the subinterval in which the function changes sign, and therefore must contain a root. It is a very simple and robust method, but it is also relatively slo\w. Because of this, it is often used to obtain a rough approximation to a solution which is then used as a starting point for more rapidly converging methods. The method is also called the interval halving method, the binary search method, or the dichotomy method.
Cis for Cisgender. Cisgender is a term used to describe a person whose gender identity corresponds to their sex assigned at birth, who mostly define themselves as a hetero woman, hetero man, gay or lesbian. The four options derives from the confidence being one of the two variables, male or female. They have certainly fixed minds whom to love and usually do not deviate from dichotomy.
This means that everything in this world has a shape, but that shape exists temporarily, and the essence is empty.